The Relationship Between Hematological Malignancy and Lipid …

Jun · TG values were higher in all patient subgroups except for AML compared to the controls ( Figure ) In the subgroup analysis TG values were higher (p=) and total cholesterol levels were lower (p=) in the NHL group compared to the AML patients No significant difference was observed among the AML and NHL subgroups in terms of LDL

High-density lipoprotein subclass and particle size in coronary …

May · Introduction The diabetes is a major contributor to coronary artery disease (CAD) morbidity and mortality It has been reported that adults with diabetes are at a - to -fold increased risk of CAD events relative to those without DM - and are at about increased risk of early mortality Features of the well documented "atherogenic lipid …

Can Good Cholesterol Be Too High - MD

Jun · TG values were higher in all patient subgroups except for AML compared to the controls ( Figure ) In the subgroup analysis TG values were higher (p=) and total cholesterol levels were lower (p=) in the NHL group compared to the AML patients No significant difference was observed among the AML and NHL subgroups in terms of LDL

High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular …

Introduction Dyslipidaemia is recognised as one of the most important risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) High levels of low‐density lipoprotein (LDL) and low levels of high‐density lipoprotein (HDL) are associated with myocardial infarction and stroke In line with this information LDL is considered the

Frontiers High Density Lipoproteins Metabolism Function and

High Density Lipoproteins (HDLs) have long been considered as "good cholesterol " beneficial to the whole body and in particular to cardio-vascular health However HDLs are complex particles that undergoes dynamic remodeling through interactions with various enzymes and tissues throughout their life cycle making the complete understanding of its …

Apoprotein B small-dense LDL and impaired HDL …

May · Introduction The diabetes is a major contributor to coronary artery disease (CAD) morbidity and mortality It has been reported that adults with diabetes are at a - to -fold increased risk of CAD events relative to those without DM - and are at about increased risk of early mortality Features of the well documented "atherogenic lipid …

HDL cholesterol How to boost your good cholesterol

Oct · Study design To test the hypothesis that CEC from ABCA to HDL particles is impaired in subjects with type diabetes we performed a case-control study with subjects from the CLEAR study Subjects meeting our study criteria (Methods) were randomly selected The diabetic (n=) and control (n=) groups had similar ages and

Diabetes Impairs Cellular Cholesterol Efflux from ABCA to Small …

Oct · Study design To test the hypothesis that CEC from ABCA to HDL particles is impaired in subjects with type diabetes we performed a case-control study with subjects from the CLEAR study Subjects meeting our study criteria (Methods) were randomly selected The diabetic (n=) and control (n=) groups had similar ages and

Mediterranean Diet Improves High-Density Lipoprotein …

Jun · TG values were higher in all patient subgroups except for AML compared to the controls ( Figure ) In the subgroup analysis TG values were higher (p=) and total cholesterol levels were lower (p=) in the NHL group compared to the AML patients No significant difference was observed among the AML and NHL subgroups in terms of LDL