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Facebook - abitreenit Yhteydenotot ja palaute abitreenit yle fi Tietoa meistä Yle Oppiminen Ylen Abitreenit valmentaa lukiolaisia ylioppilaskokeisiin tiedollisesti taidollisesti ja henkisesti Sivustolta löytyy vanhoja yo-kokeita vastauksineen aina -luvun puolivälistä saakka Olet enemmän kuin opiskelet

A Level Equivalents Guide International Entry Levels GRB

Abitur - - - - Germany Abitur or less or less or less

What s the difference between Abitur and …

May · Abitur is the highest school-leaving qualification exam in Germany comparable to UK s A-Levels or France s Baccalaureat These exams are meant as university-entry qualifications (although we have efforts to alleviate university access) Abitur exams are roughly comparable to USA s AP exams and you have to take Abitur …

Equivalency of a german degree to US DegreeInfo

Aug · Many (especially the better informed bigger US universities) waive the "liberal arts" elements for German "Abitur" applicants who learned the liberal arts stuff already in their th year of school a German study program is a ONE-SUBJECT program like many GB Bachelors you don´t study any other freely-elected courses from other …

International qualifications University of Oxford

Abitur with an overall grade of Any subjects which are essential or recommended at A-level should be studied at Leistungskurse if available (not applicable to candidates with qualifications from Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg) For A equivalent a grade of is required for grade A equivalent is required For courses requiring AAA

What is the DIA Diploma - German Approach

The German International Abitur (DIA) is an internationally-acclaimed college preparatory curriculum and diploma that provides an academically exceptional and culturally rich multilingual education to students of all …

English translation of Abitur - Collins Online Dictionary

ABITUR In Germany the Abitur examination is taken at the end of the Gymnasium when students are or It consists of written and oral tests in four core subjects The overall mark also takes account of students performance throughout their Kollegstufe The Abitur is also known as the allgemeine Hochschulreife since it is a required for

Comparison AP DIA IB - German Approach

Comparing the German International Abitur to other Diplomas and Courses of Study Understanding the similarities and differences between the German International Abitur (DIA) the International Baccaulareate Diploma Programme (IB) and a traditional High School Diploma with Advanced Placement (AP) courses is helpful in making decisions …

Abitur Definition Meaning - Merriam-ster

Mar · Abitur noun an examination that students in Germany are required to pass in order to be eligible to attend a university


Nov · With artificial intelligence Bluetooth and advanced GPS systems the AgBot is a problem-solving robot According to the LSU team you might see a commercial version of this robot in about five

What is Abitur Do I need Abitur to study in Germany - U …

To complete an Abitur a minimum of hours of classes is required while A-levels take hours This does not imply that A-levels are easier to achieve than an Abitur the …

Evaluation of Foreign Degrees - United States Department of State

Association of International Credentials Evaluators (AICE) is an association of credential evaluation services with a board of advisors and an enforced code of ethics Credential evaluations are not free and applicants are responsible for the cost of the selected service The cost and the time-frame to perform the service will vary

Abitur or High School Diploma - John F Kennedy School …

Abitur or High School Diploma The German Abitur is awarded after successful completion of the Abitur program which begins in grade and continues through Grade ending with written and oral exams in chosen subjects The Abitur is recognized for admission to German and European universities and is also recognized by American …

Abitur Definition Meaning - Merriam-ster

Nov · With artificial intelligence Bluetooth and advanced GPS systems the AgBot is a problem-solving robot According to the LSU team you might see a commercial version of this robot in about five

German Abitur - Study in Germany for Free

Nov · With artificial intelligence Bluetooth and advanced GPS systems the AgBot is a problem-solving robot According to the LSU team you might see a commercial version of this robot in about five

high school Oberschule Hauptschule Realschule or Gymnasium

Oct · Gymnasium (grammar school) until grade or (with Abitur as exit exam qualifying for university) and Fachoberschule admission after grade ten until grade twelve (with Fachhochschulreife (between Abitur and Realschulabschluss) as exit exam) it is also possible to leave after grade thirteen and get either the ″fachgebundene Abitur″ (if

Details country uni-assist

If you have a US high school diploma you will need to submit the following documents Your high school diploma including an overview of subjects and grades from grade to stating your cumulative GPA (unweighted) A US high school diploma alone does not allow you to study in Germany We will assess your certificate using the specifications

The requirements - DAAD

Other requirements In addition to these formal requirements language skills are of course a major necessity for studying in Germany Also important are the quality of your application a visa and proof of financial resources a residence permit and health insurance If you would like to find out whether you are fundamentally able to cope with

Providing proof of secondary and higher education qualifications

Recognition of secondary and higher education qualifications If you would like to study in Germany you will need a university entrance qualification You can check the DAAD database on admission requirements to find out if the qualifications from your country of origin are sufficient for enrolment or if further exams in order to be accepted are …

University entrance qualification Study in Germany

University entrance qualification If you want to study at a German higher education institution you need what is called a "Hochschulzugangsberechtigung" or "university entrance qualification" This is a school-leaving certificate which qualifies you for university study If your secondary-school certificate is deemed insufficient

Study in Germany Requirements for International Students

Financial Means If you are a citizen of the countries who need a student visa to study in Germany then you will be required to provide proof of financial means when you apply for your visa As of an international student needs per year to cover their expenses during their time in Germany

Dual Diplomas - German International School New York

The Abitur is the highest diploma awarded to secondary school students in Germany The German International Abitur (or Deutsches Internationales Abitur known as "DIA" for short) builds on the strengths of the traditional Abitur curriculum and adds a larger bilingual component It is awarded at German schools abroad

Abitur translate German to English - Cambridge …

Nov · With artificial intelligence Bluetooth and advanced GPS systems the AgBot is a problem-solving robot According to the LSU team you might see a commercial version of this robot in about five

High School Diploma Equivalents for U S Immigration - Immihelp

Country Credentials Albania Deftese pjekurie (Maturity Certificate) Andorra Titulo de bachillerato (Title of Bachelor) Armenia Attestat o srednem obriazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) Austria Reifepruüfung (Maturity Certificate) Azerbaijan Svidetel´stvo o srednem obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education) Belarus


The GCE as a subject-restricted university entrance qualification The GCE is accepted in Germany under certain conditions as a direct subject-restricted university entrance qualification These conditions are defined in the (in German) and can be found in the anabin database which is the database of the Central Office for Foreign Education in Germany

Diploma equivalents Admission requirements BSc …

Jun · DIPLOMA REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION Reifezeugnis or Reifeprüfungszeugnis awarded by an Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule (AHS) with the mandatory national exam subject mathematics Depending on the bachelor s programme of your choice physics chemistry and or biology are also required as national exam subject …

The IB Diploma (DP) the Abitur German Higher …

Jun · Education Counsellor wagner isdedu de North Building N German Higher Education Research DP Guide for German Applicants DAAD Pocket Guides (English - PDF)

Secondary schools in Germany options exams and more

Jan · Types of state secondary schools in Germany According to official statistics there are state secondary schools in Germany providing sekundarstufe I education as of These break down into the following types of school Gymnasium this is the German grammar school for high-performing students who typically study full …

Recognition of the General Certificate of Education (GCE) in …

The GCE as a subject-restricted university entrance qualification The GCE is accepted in Germany under certain conditions as a direct subject-restricted university entrance qualification These conditions are defined in the (in German) and can be found in the anabin database which is the database of the Central Office for Foreign Education in Germany